Fire Pits

Fire Pits of 2021: you’ll find all the informative articles like Best Fire Pit for the Money, Best Propane Fire Pit, Best Smokeless Fire Pit & many more.

Tinder vs Kindling

Tinder vs Kindling – What’s the Difference?

When attempting to start a fire, there are typically three time-tested steps to success in most environments. Start with tiny shavings of flammable material known as tinder to produce a small flame. Once you have something burning, you add kindling. Kindling is slightly larger and thicker than tinder, which helps add body to the fire. After

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Benefits of Kiln Dried Firewood

Benefits of Kiln Dried Firewood

​If you have the means, aka the availability and the money, to buy kiln-dried firewood, do it! While it’s not the most practical application for bonfires, kiln-dried firewood boasts some big benefits for heating your home or for use anywhere a chimney is involved.  In short, kiln-dried firewood, as the name implies, is firewood that

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